Page 5 - Dhadurupa-parichaya-1
P. 5
kÉÉiÉÑÃmÉmÉËUcÉrÉÈ-1 Dhāturūpaparicaya -1
About this book
1. This book contains forms of 108
commonly used dhātu-s. There are 4
sections in the book corresponding to the 4
lakāra-s – (Present Tense),
(Imperative), (Past Tense) and
(Future Tense).
2. In each section, dhātu-s with regular
forms are given first as sāmānya-dhātu-s, and
dhātu-s with special forms are given later as
The key criterion for including dhātu-s in this book has been
popularity / frequency of usage. We have gone through many
textbooks of beginner level in Sanskrit, collected all the dhātu-s
used in them, and filtered the list to arrive at this set of most
commonly used dhātu-s. We are aware that such a list cannot be
exhaustive. We will include more dhātu-s in future volumes of this
For understanding the technical terms like dhātu, lakāra,
parasmaipada, ātmanepada, etc, please refer to the Introduction
section on p.XXXVII
3 st th th th
Dhātu-s belonging to the 1, 4 , 6 and 10 gaa-s, having similar
forms are treated as regular (sāmānya). Dhātu-s from other gaa-s
are treated as special (viśe¦a).