Page 34 - Bhagavadgita Flipbook
P. 34
Names of Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna appearing in the Gītā
5. अप्र तमप्रभाव - अप्र तमः प्रभावः य सः । He whose majesty / influence
is incomparable.
6. अिरसूदन - अर न् सूदय त इ त । He who destroys the enemies.
7. कमलपत्राक्ष - कमलपत्रवत् अ क्षणी य सः । He whose eyes resemble
the Lotus petals.
8. क - भ ानां मनः कषर् त । He who attracts the minds of devotees.
9. कशव - कः ब्र ा, ईशः रुद्रः, तौ आ न वय त | He who absorbs both
Brahman and Rudra into himself (at the time of Pralaya).
10. क श नषूदन - क शनामा हय ा असुरः नषू दतः अ ात् । Slayer of the
asura called Keśin (who was disguised as a horse).
11. गो व - गां पृ ीं धेनुं वा व त त इ त । He who protects the Earth
and the Cows.