Page 14 - TheJoyOfOneness_Demo
P. 14
We feel extremely blessed to have this opportunity to
share our perspectives on Manīṣā Pañcakam through this
book. It is purely the grace of Śaṅkarācārya that has made
this possible for us.
The ideas presented in each of these chapters require deep
thinking, and contemplation before even reaching a stage
of tentative acceptance. Therefore, it may be worthwhile
to read a chapter more than once and spend a week or two
contemplating the ideas before proceeding to the next. We
will be happy if the ideas presented in the book are useful
to our readers.
The wonderful insights the readers might take away from
the book are entirely due to Śaṅkarācārya. On the other
hand, if you come across any errors, omissions, or
miscommunication, it is completely due to our ignorance.
We request you to ignore them.
B Mahadevan
Anuradha Sridharan
August 14, 2024