Page 15 - TheJoyOfOneness_Demo
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By the grace of Guru-s, parents, and God, Vyoma Linguistic
Labs Foundation humbly presents this book titled “The Joy
of ONENESS”. This book is intended to benefit all of
mankind by establishing the importance of ONENESS and
teaching us how to invoke the joy of ONENESS.
Vyoma Labs is very grateful to all the people who have
extended their support in bringing out this book. Our
heartfelt thanks and praṇāms to both authors of this book
- Dr. B Mahadevan, who is a Professor of Operations
Management at IIM, Bangalore and Smt. Anuradha
Sridharan, who is a product manager and a certified Yoga
instructor, for considering publishing this book through
Vyoma Labs.
We thank our patron Smt. Aparna Sahgal, Smt. V N
Meenakshi and Sri. Sreeram Iyer and other patrons, for
providing the financial support for publishing this book.
We extend our sincere thanks to Elegant Printers for their
exceptional work in publishing this book.
Thanks to Sri. Amogha Rao and the entire Vyoma team
involved in publishing this book. We also thank all our
well-wishers and supporters for supporting the cause of
spreading Saṃskṛta-Saṃskṛti-Saṃskāra related activities.
Venkatasubramanian P
COO and Co-founder
Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation