Page 20 - TheJoyOfOneness_Demo
P. 20
• Secondly, I need to set in the right direction of the
road. If I need to go to the airport, I should head
north from my home and travel around 50 km.
What would happen if I stepped on the road,
headed south, and travelled 5000 kilometers? Of
course, the world is round, and I might probably
reach the airport in due course of time!
• Thirdly, I should be equipped with the right
vehicle. For example, if I have a fast-moving
vehicle, my ability to reach the destination is
faster, easier, and comfortable.
The journey to the airport corresponds to our life’s
destination - the jñāna or the truth. So, three factors are
important - the right prayatna, being in the right direction
and having the right facilitating mechanism to comfortably
reach our life destination. All the activities that we
undertake in our lives are geared towards taking us closer
to the destination. We may not be aware of it or think of
our pursuits consciously in this manner. But the subtler
understanding is that all of us make such effort, not only in
this janma but in all our previous janmas as well.
While we understand our destination, some of us don't
even step out of our homes. Some of us step onto the road
but take the wrong direction. If we happen to take the
wrong direction knowingly or otherwise, we need to get
guidance from someone on the way. This is the effort that
we are undertaking across multiple janmas.
“Me versus Not-me”
As we pursue our life goals and engage in various
activities, we might notice certain inherent tendencies and
patterns in our approach. At a fundamental level, when we
deal with many things in our life the notion of “me versus